We are all conditioned since birth. To truly live our dreams we must connect with our Quantum field that dwells with us, which science is just starting to understand and measure. Take some time each day for yourself to connect to the field within. Go beyond yourself let go of the ego and attachments tune in and change your life.....Lets live green....Greenlivingpath.com join the movement.
Showing posts from September, 2018
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Yeah there are time when their are obstacles in your path towards your goal but never give up. You have to have a higher purpose to lift yourself over the blocks in your life. Live Green.....Greenlivingpath.com join the movement to live in harmony with yourself and all being and in harmony with Mother Earth. Lets reprogram ourselves to be resilient and courageous in the face of adversity.....
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Deep meditation can embed our future. Image your future every day through meditation the mind does not know the difference. Then take action and rehearse your future everyday slowly you will become your future now in the present moment. This has been scientifically tested, using the quantum field that creates everything is key to understanding the new paradigm. Many of us are now beginning to understand. Live green.....Greenlivingpath.com join the movement.
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These beautiful creatures are being wiped out for their supposed horns having medicinal properties? But the horns are made of the exact composition as our finger nails, and their is not one drop of scientific evidence to back up these claims. Lets live green and live in harmony with all animals and the planet. Greenlivingpath.com
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The worlds changing through social media we are becoming friends. Communicating with each other globally. Each one of us plays a part in transforming the planet into a more beautiful place to live upon. This is for our children's children to live in a more harmonic world. But it starts with us live green. Check out Greenlivingpath.com....
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When you change your state of being to love you enter another world called the quantum field. This field is full of possibilities and you become the creator of your life not the victim of the past! You become the artist of your future, helping yourself to grow an others to elevate and transform themselves. Live green.....join the movement to transform the planet. Greenlivingpath
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It is the dawning of a new age for humanity, we must transform ourselves to live in harmony with ourselves and all beings. This is vital to help the planet survive onward into the future. Each day take some quite time for yourself and change your inner world which transforms your outer world......Check out greenlivingpath......facebook and free yoga on youtube.....enjoy the transformation....
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The great old saying is we are what we eat. Science has found out a direct correlation to your brain activity. Meaning if you eat food that is primarily fresh vegetables, fruits and plant based protein your brain activity is very balance less ups and downs created by other foods. Sugar and processed food revs the mind upward but provides little quality fuel. We enter a seesawing state (mind) with a lot of meat and alcohol pulls us down the other way. This is why bi-polar and depression is prevalent in modern society, the mind going up and down. Check out Greenlivingpath.....facebook....join the green living movement!!
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If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed here is a brilliant technique to use daily. This picture is called a centering mudra, which is a powerful energizing circuit created by this mudra. Simply sit quietly and breath long slow breathes through the nose. Use this picture to do this specific mudra to center yourself. Try it daily in your busy life and see how your stress levels are lowered. If you feel tied or a unexpected problem has happened do this centering mudra each day. Live green....check out free yoga channel on youtube called Greenlivingpath....join the movement live in harmony with yourself, all beings and in harmony with the planet.....Sign up to email greenlivingpath@gmail.com say hi and give me some feedback....enjoy
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Balance is vital to life being able to do fitness, eat clean being vegan, build abundance financially and build relationships helping people. Is the key to living a fulfilling life and living in harmony with yourself and all beings. Along with living in harmony with the planet. Lets live green....Greenlivingpath.com join the movement to be the change on this beautiful planet....❤☺
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The Spanish Conquistadors never found this secret city. Did this ancient culture have advanced technology because to move huge monolithic blocks of stone weighing tons up this high has never been explained??? lets live in harmony with the planet Greenlivingpath.com......check out yoga gear... green living green join the movement..❤
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Due to global warming a lot of animals are finding it hard to survive. Polar bears now have further to swim to each ice pack looking for food to eat. the size of polar bears has been reducing because of lack of food. These are warning signs that the earths average temperature is increasing globally. We need to learn to live green to help the planet. Greenlivingpath.com check it out!!!
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Hi this beautiful creature lives in harmony with the ocean grazing on sea grass. Lets aspire to live green and in harmony with ourselves and all beings. Along with living in harmony with the planet. Its time to make a paradigm shift, in human consciousness to show more love and compassion for animals, the planet and ourselves. Join the movement check out free yoga Greenlivingpath....youtube!!!