Life throws some tough time at us but thoes tough time shape and transform us to the person we want to become. The thicker the mud the more beautiful the Lotus flower....Live GREEN......GREENLIVINGPATH.COM
Hi everyone check this amazing contains ancient wisdom to live naturally in harmony with all beings and the planet. Jump on A K Duncan.....LETS LIVE GREEN.... Join the movement .......bless...
The greatest gift we can give another is to help them grow spiritually. It is the corner stone of a great relationship that lasts the test of time. Not getting pulled into the lower vibration of who is wrong or right or judging others separates you from helping each other and only leads to disharmony. But helping each other grow creates harmony. Lets live in harmony with each other...LIVE GREEN...GREENLIVINGPATH.COM
Giveaway time!!! Just pop on and enter details and win INDIAN HEALING CLAY......cleanses and rejuvenates your skin giving you a youthful appearance. LIVE GREEN!!!
Its awesome tuning into nature and dancing with her beauty. Nature imparts so much knowledge, understanding and wisdom to us if we are open on a deeper level. Lets LIVE GREEN......GREENLIVINGPATH.COM.......JOING THE MOVEMENT!!!
Super cat drives drunk owner home from parting. Animals are amazing maybe we should hold of on eating them. It is far scientifically to be more beneficial, do the research and see what you think....LIVE GREEN...GREENLIVINGPATH.COM JOIN THE MOVEMENT!!!
Hi everyone here's a novel i wrote on smashwords under A K Duncan check it out!!! I also wrote this health ebook with some great tips on smashwords. Enjoy and lets live Green bless.
Lets spread the love vibe and watch people drawn to you like a magnet. Your world transforms into another parallel universe that is full of wonder and beauty. The key is to train yourself daily day by day....then a new world appears. We can reprogram our lives our brains and our hearts. YOUR BRAIN IS A SIMULATION MACHINE. If you can imagine it in your mind you can manifest it bit by bit the key is to stick at it. Early in the morning and just before you go to sleep mentally rehearse the life you want feel it as if it has already happened in every fiber of your being. Do this for a minimum of 67 days. This will embed in your subconscious. Lets live green...
This little one is so cute but she also gives us so much love. Its even been tested having a little friend around makes us feel better and thus helps us on many levels. Emotional, spiritual, physically being able to share our life with a beautiful pet gives us so much. Lets live in harmony with all beings....Live join the movement!
Lets all live in harmony with ourselves all beings and in harmony with the planet!!! Its time to make a change on the planet join the movement to live green and in tune.
To go within you have the whole world within the palm of your hand. Quantum theory is now being proven by science. A entire new reality is opening up to the modern world. The mystics ancient words are now being proven right. Humanity has turned a corner. The top three businesses 1. War weapons 2.Alcohol and tobacco 3. Pharmaceutical drugs it says a lot about us humans and the way we treat others and ourselves. Its time to make a change live join the movement and change the world person by person.
This is crazy just add lemon too a glass of water twice a day and it will help you lose weight. Along with lowering the ph of your body and cleansing your cells making them more efficient. You could also try apple vinegar and lemon in water twice a day its great for reducing weight! Good LUCK!!
To everyone that has forgotten their dreams, swallowed up by our busy lives! Lets live our dreams, by holding onto them until we manifest them. Look up Zero Point Field the creative force explained scientifically. Lets transform our lives by living
The imagination and ingenuity of us humans is amazing. Lets incorporate these qualities within our lives. Live Create a beautiful life helping others to evolve is the corner stone of any longterm relationship!
It does not matter where you are at on the path but keep going on the path. Practice everyday to build yourself to grow to evolve. Lets be the best we can be in life, spreading good vibes to all. Lets transform ourselves be patient be courageous but never give up. Lets live bless you all my friends lets make a change....
We have been given a great gift of life, remember it everyday. Gratitude for being given this gift everyday transforms ones outlook and transforms our life. Lets live Bring the transformation into our daily lives!!!
Day by day practice, month by month, year by year, never give up. Lets grow everyday to transform ourselves to live in harmony with ourselves all beings and live in harmony with the planet. Its time to make a change, transform and as a bio-product you become happy and compassionate for all beings. Lets live Green.....Check out some yoga gear and start training ....
Step by step the impossible becomes possible, when you let go of your ego and attachment. Your old self dies and you are born again after years and years of practice. Let live in harmony with ourselves all beings and the planet, Join the movement Live